Monday 7 April 2014



For those who don’t know, telekinesis is defined as “the movement of a body caused by thought or will power without the application of a physical force” (  Basically you can control things with your mind.

 I have watched many movies like the “X-Men” and “Chronicle”, and have come to the realization that I would love to have telekinesis.  When I think about it more and more, it is the supernatural ability that trumps all others, you can fly like they do in “Chronicle” or turn off your lights when in bed- I hate when I get in that perfect spot, all comfy and warm, then realize I forgot to turn off the lights, I am sure everyone who loves sleep would know what I mean.

The possibilities are endless!!

But is telekinesis real, is it possible for this power to exist.

It is said that telekinesis is created from the use of the untapped parts of our brains.  There is a belief that only 10% of our human brain is being used at one time, whether, its concentrating on your homework, driving or watching tv.  The thing that makes telekinesis hard to believe is the fact that only specific parts of our brains are used for specific activities.  So technically our whole brain is being used.

Brain scan or its activity
 If that is the case, telekinesis must be impossible because every part of our brain is eventually used throughout the day, there is no untapped potential.  Scientist today can prove it through brain scans, showing how every section of our brain is being used. 

Our brains are so complexe that doctors and scientist don’t know how to explain specific things, for example within insane asylums you could see some pretty crazy people.  Many of them are placed there because, what we know so far about our minds, is so little that the people who claim to see the dead or be attacked by something are classified as nuts. Scientist today can’t explain those mental illnesses.

What if?  Just what if, our knowledge on the human brain is so little that the things we see as crazy or unrealistic- like telekinesis- could actually be possible?  I believe it is in fact possible.  Has anyone ever seen what a brain looked like after using 100% of it?  No! We assume, as of now, that we cannot tap into anymore parts then what we have now! Who is to say that the scientist missed something or are simply just not as advanced as they thought.  We do not have a brain that uses 100% of its capacity to compare it to, although we do have people who claim they can control objects with their mind, which gives me enough proof that the human brain has in fact more potential that we must unlock.

There is a new movie coming out in August which talks about a drug that allows you to use one hundred percent of their brain.  I suggest you check it out on Youtube.  It is called Lucy.  It might be farfetched but what do we know, we only use 10%, for all we know that stuff just might be possible!!!


  1. I've always wanted the supernatural power of telekinesis! As a young girl, I used to stare at the clock in my living room, convincing myself that every time the second hand hesitated it was because I could control its movements. The idea of telekinesis being accessible to anyone really intrigues me! Great entry, my friend!

  2. You are so right, telekinesis is one of the coolest powers ever and there are a lot of people who would want that as their power, you know if they could choose. The idea of picking up objects with your mind just baffles me and excites me a lot.

  3. It's disappointing how this isn't possible. I always wanted to actually have Magneto's powers when I would dress up as him for Halloween. But reality makes me sad, and likes to ruin my life. Whatever, I'm over it. I'm not a believer in this sort of thing because I rely on physics to explain the un-known, and as far as I know... It's impossible to move something without an applied force. And as we all know, an applied force requires contact, not just a mental thought.

    1. Unless that applied force is created by your mind manipulating either the air or matter in the air surounding the object. Food for thought.

  4. Wow, this is very interesting to see how people could actually do stuff like this, I used to pretend that I could bend spoons when I was kid, than my mom would get very mad lol. Anyways good job Alex keep up your blog posts, I will be keeping in touch with you.

  5. This is one thing I think could be real. I've seen alot of things where people can do things that cannot be explained, although most i equivicate to really good magicians. As for the brain part, true we do use all of our brains at some time, but what I think makes telekenesis as well as ESP and other types of super mind powers, potentially possible is the use of every part of the brain at once. Our brains are often compared to computers, well computers communicate and accomplish a number of other tasks. P.S X-Men Rule.
