Sunday 27 April 2014

I Vannto drink yo blood

Blood thirsty creatures they are, vampires.  All across the world there are many different types of beliefs about how a vampire lives and whether or not they drink blood to live or just as dessert (2).   In the Hollywood movies and TV series we see how these different beliefs vary so drastically.  In the movies Twilight, the vampires don’t like the light because it makes their skin sparkle- pretty cool… just kidding.  Those same vampires have different abilities and can move very quickly.  Other vampires, from the Supernatural TV series, show vampires who have a whole different set of teeth that they use to get the blood from their victims, they also move like humans and are slightly stronger.  Whenever I see an other vampire chick flick, I enjoy the slight differences that directors add to make their vampires stand out and creating more myths.   

The only common belief about vampires is that they crave blood.  Lets look at this scientifically, what happens when one drinks blood?  

Blood is very toxic-it is harmless in your heart for it is what distributes oxygene to the rest of your body, it is also harmless when taken in low doses.  But when one eats or drink blood regularly, they are at risk or iron overdose.  Strange how what you need in order to live, will also kill you. “This condition, called Haemochromatosis, can cause a wide variety of diseases and problems, including liver damage, buildup of fluid in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and nervous disorders” (1).  Our bodies have not developed a mechanism that will allow us to drink or eat blood like many animals do.

The fact that humans haven’t developed this ability makes me feel skeptical about this supernatural belief, for it is virtually impossible.  Although, to many, demons are impossible, for me they are a possibility, they have had reports; whereas vampires are scientifically impossible.

Vlad the Impaler
Some people claim they are real, like Vlad the Impaler, he is also known as Dracula.  He killed many people, to the point where people believed he thrived on them. Ultimately creating the idea of a vampire.  In my eyes the creations of vampires is simply an explanation of their fear for Vlad, their stories then became altered over time and creating todays vision of vampires (3).


  1. Personally, I never really believed that vampires ever existed. To me, it’s always been just a scary story to tell to frighten children. The sound of a human-like creature feasting on the blood of others is really creepy. However, we all know this is nothing more then a story to tell. Nobody has actually seen a vampire.

  2. They don't exist. Simple as that. They are cool, like many mythical monsters but they're stories made to entertain and to frighten. Although, as you said humans can't drink blood, but many animals can, so I guesse it could be possible for humans to evolve the ability to consume blood. By that logic you could say that vampires are the next stage in human evolution.
