Friday 11 April 2014

What’s for dinner? -Brains do you want some?

The Walking Dead, World War Z, Shawn of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Zombieland, 28 days later and I am Legend, are all movies or tv series that talk about a life during a zombie apocalypse.  Now after reading that, I am sure you all just thought of how cool it would be if there was actually such thing happening, and how you would protect yourself, and what weapon you would use. 

I know this because I thought like that when I was composing this.

Before we continue, we must ask ourselves what is a zombie, and are they possible?

The definition of a zombie is “the body of a dead person given semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force” (   It is believed that zombies are created by a curse or a charm placed by a sorcerer, to cause havoc or to be able to see a loved one who has passed.    Zombies that we all know are known to hunt and kill humans for either their flesh or their brains.  The more we look into zombies, we tend to think of all the possibilities of how such thing could happen.

I am one of those teens that thinks it would in fact be cool to have a zombie apocalypse.  When I look at myself and whatever tools that I have at my disposal, I think that I could easily fend off a few zombies to survive.  I am fit enough to easily run away from them, smart enough to make shelter and start fires.  I can easily defend myself from zombies, but what I recently discovered, when asking around to see what others would do, that people don’t think of the type of zombies that could exist.

There seems to be only two types of zombies.  There is the slow walking zombies who react much like humans that moan lifelessly and attack you when you cross their path.  There is then the genetic modified zombies where their senses are heightened and they are super strong, super-fast and can track you down.  These are both extremely different types of zombies that could easily change the outcome of your plan for a zombie apocalypse. 

In today’s world people are much to smart to believe that voodoo or magic can cause the rise of the dead.  I believe the only way such apocalypse could actually happen is through a biochemical failure to cure a disease and not a supernatural force.  I believe the failure could then make us become blood thirsty, brain eating super humans. Within the movie I am legend, there was a cure that was created to eliminate cancer, but it all went south when the patients became super humans, and only lived on their vital instincts of hunger and survival. They became extremely strong and smart and hunt down their pray in order to survive.

Bath salts zombie
Now some of you must be thinking that this topic is dead to you, because you already know that zombies are not real and could never happen.  Let me tell you a few cases in which you are mistaken and that a zombie apocalypse could be in your near future.  The first case actually happened not too long ago, on May 26, 2012, where a new drug “bath salts” was taken by a man in Miami, Florida, named Rudy Eugene.  This name, had stripped naked and attacked a homeless man under an elevated railway.  Eugene had bit the man’s face and continued to do so until authorities had stopped him.  When the police had arrived, they told him to stop but he continued and reportedly growled at the officers.  The officer had shot the man and then took another 4 shots after he realized the man was still eating.  Strange how a drug did that, maybe there will one day be a drug that will do that to everyone who takes it in the future.  Then there is the case of the real life zombies in Toraja, where witch doctors preform specific rituals to bring back the dead in order to give them a proper burial.  They would have the zombie literally walk to the village in which they were born in order for them to be buried with music, a proper coffin and flowers to insure that the spirit travels safely to the afterlife.
Walking dead of Toraja
Walking dead of Toraja

If those cases don’t make you believe in this supernatural occurrence then I don’t know what will.  I think this has potential to actually happen, what do you think? How would you protect yourself?



  1. When I first heard the news of a man chewing on another man's face in Miami, I thought what has the world turned into. Worst of all, this all happened because he was under the influence of drugs. Drugs really made him do that? I can’t even imagine such an event. That reminds me! Did you watch the Miami Zombie Prank video related to this? If not, you have to watch it! Here’s the link: .

  2. Incredibly interesting (and let's admit it) creepy blog. Nice exploration of your topic. I'm of two minds when it comes to the supernatural. On one hand, I've never experienced it so I don't believe in any of it. On the other, some trusted friends swear by it. My brother-in-law for example, swears that he got mysterious scratches on his back when he tried to remove items from his attic. He thinks his home is haunted and has countless stories to prove it.

    Nitpicks: - Structure elements: Sidebar words are cut and awkward looking + Text box takes a fraction of the screen and everything else is black.
    - Some spelling and grammar issues (ex. Posses vs possess , women vs woman)
    - Give source as you define + source absent for your animal stats. (Careful, that’s close to plagiarizing)
    - Opinion not as present in 2nd blog
    - Avoid showing explicitly violent images…as you may offend your audience.
    - Toraja example not really explained. Has this been documented? Dead people moving? I highly doubt that.

  3. I must say Alexandre, you seem pretty convinced in all that composes the supernatural... I may begin to question our friendship. Only kidding of course. What I like is this post on zombies since I love I Am Legend and always plan out what I'd do in these types of situations. Not saying I'd live but I still plan it. However, the "infected" are much different than the living dead, in that they are still alive but are altered to be crazed flesh eaters. All in all i enjoyed the post.

  4. AHHHH I WISH ZOMBIES EXISTED... People call me crazy, but I have such a sense of adventure and would love to make decisions like Rick Grimes on The Walking Dead. No matter how dark and gruesome it may be, I still want it to happen :$ I like how you related zombies (being something fictional) to a real world situation, like bath salts or an epidemic. Nice work Alex, write on!

  5. Nice one Alex, I like this blog post because of how it made me think of how I would defend myself against zombies, and how cool it would be to kill stupid and dumb slow walking creatures. After I heard about the smart and slick and quick zombies, I am starting to doubt that I would be able to survive a zombie apocalypse.
