Monday 24 March 2014

Animals and their sixth sense for the supernatural

Animals are known to have extremely sharp senses in order to survive and feed.  Cats and dogs are some common domestic examples.  Cats can hear sound at 100,000 hertz – measured in hertz, the number of vibrations per second- while dogs can hear at a range from 35-40,000 hertz.  Now when we compare those facts with the hearing of a human, there is a big difference, we can only hear up to 20,000 hertz.  Cats also have whiskers on their back and front legs allowing them to have a better sense of their surroundings, while we humans have only our eyes to give us that information.  Now a very interesting fact is their eyesight, cats have superior vision, with a 200 degree panoramic view with the capability of reflecting light from its eyes, allowing it to see at night. Dogs are much like the cats, but they can see with a 240 degree view, and humans only have a 180 degree view.
You might be asking “Why is this fool talking about cats and dogs again?”  Well it’s believed that animals have a sixth sense to see the paranormal.  I just explained facts about how common domestic animals might be able to see the dead.  Is it really those senses that allow them to see the dead, or is it a sixth sense that no one can explain?  I believe it’s in fact a sixth sense!  These animals really have no concrete senses that would be able to explain how they are able to interact with the afterlife or the supernatural.  They don’t have any inferred vision or electromagnetic sensitive whiskers, which many ghost hunters use to find the supernatural.
A women named Del Johnson, had passed away leaving seven dogs and six cats.  Many people believe that she still visits them, their evidence is strange.  They say that they would see all the pets gather in one area while wagging their tails, purring, and circling as if there was the presence of their owner.  Is this simply their great hearing and eyesight that allows them to believe something is there?  
Here is a cat Oscar who can sense the supernatural… he knows when death is near.  Is it simply acute senses or is it his sixth sense?


  1. Well first off, let me start by saying you have now instilled in me a fear of my own cat! Thank you very much! Jokes of course but in all seriousness it is really interesting that animals, who we often disregard as being intelligent life forms, do have this special ability. The example of the female owner who's pets seem to recognize her presence is both frightening and fascinating. Good work!

  2. I find the concept of the "sixth sense" quite fascinating. I don't normally believe in any supernatural occurrence that cannot be explained through science and logical reasoning. Yet in the case of Oscar the Cat, nothing but a metaphysical interpretation could validate this perceived ability to "see beyond". I wonder why it is only certain animals that appear to possess this ability, and why we humans are devoid of it. I suppose it is better that we can't see our dead grandfather, since that might tend to unsettle you somewhat. Keep it up Alexandre, and you might just convince me to believe in the abstract!

  3. I myself believe that animals are in fact capable of sensing the paranormal world. Perhaps it is not entirely a sixth sense on its own, but just their heightened senses which enable them to detect what us humans can't. After all, we use infrared lighting, temperatures, parabolic sounds dishes, electro-magnetic readers and such to enable us to detect the supernatural. Cats, dogs and other animals naturally posses the ability to detect these said things and potentially detect the supernatural world. Nonetheless, I find this possibility super fascinating and totally plausible! Keep up the good work :)
