Sunday 25 May 2014


When you think of a Werewolf, I hope to god you don't think of the Twilight series.  Especially if your a guy... you should have your man card taken away!  Anyways, what is a werewolf?  According to, werewolf means "Man-Wolf".  This creature shapeshifts from man to wolf and is known to have super strength, speed, reflexes and enlighten senses (1)

There's 3 ways to become a werewolf.  You must either be born with that genetic ability, be bitten by a werewolf or be cursed.  To have the genetics of a werewolf, your parents must have the gene themselves- if you took biology you would know that the parents don't necessarily need to have the ability to transform, because genes can be recessive. If you have this gene, you don't come out as wolf, you would start noticing the ability late in your puberty (*cough cough* Jonathan... Just kidding!).  If you are bitten,  it is said that it would take six to nine weeks to fully affect you.  During that time, people tend to experience insomnia, headaches and flu-like symptoms until fully infected by the original bite, causing them to transform every night from that point on. Then there is the curse.  This method is rare but is believed to be the cause for the creation of the first werewolf.(2)

Can these creatures control when they transform like some do in the movies?

Werewolf can transform from human to wolf voluntarily or involuntarily.  Most of the time it happens at night.  When you transform involuntarily it is most often during the full moons or by sounds like wolf howling. When someone transforms their skin gets darker while their facial and body hair grow at abnormal speed and the finger get larger, the nails get longer and sharper and the persons limbs get longer making it painful for some.  This results in a beast looking man for the duration of the night (3). 

To kill a werewolf in case you ever meet one that wants to eat you.  It is believe to shoot them with a silver bullet or stab them with any silver object.  Another method would be to damage their brains or heart, this could mean decapitation or hanging.  If you harm the wolf form of this creature it will to the same harm to the human form.  So if you cut a paw off, the man will be missing either a foot or hand. (4)

In my opinion these creatures do not exist, but I think it would be cool, having the super cool abilities and instincts like wolves but the consciousness of a human.  Unfortunately I would have to see one to believe in them.  I find that to shape shift in such way is a stretch even for magic.  But who am I to say that, I am not magical or powerful. What do you think?



  1. I don't think of Twilight, I think of professor Lupin from Harry Potter so you can sleep easy now! It is pretty safe to assume these creatures don't exist so I do agree with you on that point. However there are so many hundreds of movies that pertain to this topic it could be possible maybe in some isolated place of the world! Good topic

    1. EXXXXXXXPECTO PATRONUUUUUUUM! I think it would be cool to be a werewolf, but instead of a wolf, I'd like to be able to shape-shift into a tiger at will. That would be 10/10.
      It amuses me that some believe that these creatures exist. Perhaps I should start a delivery service that specializes in distributing basic biology textbooks to idiots. It should be a charity.

  2. Amen, Madison. Praise be to the Potterheads. Anywho~!
    I appreciate the tips on how to kill a werewolf. Here's hoping I never have to use them!
    Lycanthropy is kind of a fun subject, actually. Most cultures have some variation on the theme, which is a bit kooky, but the same can be said for deism, right?
    As to whether they exist or not, I'm just going to choose to be sceptical. I'll never out and out say no to anything supernatural, but I'm not jumping on the bandwagon, either. Call it a healthy respect for the unknown...
