Monday 24 March 2014


I’m sure we have all heard ghost stories at sleepovers or around campfires.  I’ve heard a story about my friend’s mom’s sister; she had recently bought a new house –older than many- and she and her husband went to work.  Apparently, she started a load of laundry, let the dog out and left her bed messy. When she came home later in the day, she discovered that the dog was brought back inside, the laundry was folded and the bed was made. She called her husband to see if he came home on his lunch break, he said he never left. There is no other explanation to this phenomenon, it must have been a ghost –a darn good ghost that cleans the house for you. I want one!  I was told that when the ghost is upset or mad, it would lock the family inside a room or mess up the bed and move objects. Is this story real?  Is it a ghost? Call me crazy but I like to think it is real.
ghostly figure
 Ghost is defined as “the soul of a dead person, a disembodied spirit imagined, usually as a vague, shadowy or evanescent form, as wandering among or haunting living person.” No one knows 100% what happens when one dies, however we have reason to believe they become ghosts.   I believe ghost are real, because I see dead people… just kidding, but I do know two people who can.  Ghosts are real in my point of view because when one spirit passes I believe it is attached to something or a person just like us when our loved ones die, we have difficulties letting go of them and continuing on with our lives.  I also believe they lash out, showing their presence, because they struggle in communicating with the real world. I also believe in ghosts because I would like to think that my grandfather, who passed away, is actually looking over me but in a slightly different world. 

Many believe that there is an array of different types of ghosts; including intelligent ghosts, the rarest type of haunting, a spirit that communicates in an intelligent way almost as if it were a person.  They are not all evil or violent, they are believed to take the characteristics of the person they once were-if they lived happily and nice they will be nice intelligent ghost.  So now you know why we are taught to be nice to everyone, we don’t want angry ghosts trying to communicate with us.  Most often they do not know they are dead –the movie The Sixth Sense, is a perfect example of this phenomenon.  There are also the residual ghosts, these ghosts are believed to be loops of a spirits traumatic experience, this loop -like in a movie or a broken record -are played over and over again without interacting with anyone or anything.  One last common ghost is the poltergeist.  These ghost are known as the noisy ghosts, blamed for the destructive and violent activity, they cause strange knockings and tapping noises, moving furniture, slamming doors, starting fires, turning lights off and on and so much more.
The intelligent, residual and the poltergeist ghosts are all somehow attached to an event, an object or person and try to communicate. Not all of them are violent or dangerous. Maybe if you’re lucky enough you will be able to one day encounter a ghost.


1 comment:

  1. I tend to think from a completely logic and scientific perspective, so for me, believing in ghosts just simply isn't going to happen until someone can provide actual evidence that they exist. What I will say, is that people's minds tend to play tricks on them. When one wants to believe something will happen, the mind has ways of making it so. That's what I believe is the cause of most people's encounters with "ghosts." I'm sure that I'd change my mind if I were to personally experience something that I truly cannot explain, but until then, I'd rather walk into an old home enjoying the design rather than wasting my time wondering if it's "haunted."
