Monday 17 March 2014

Do you believe in the supernatural

When you hear the word supernatural, you tend to think that it is linked to the devil, demons, and ghosts.  Most often this is the reason we tend not to believe in the supernatural; we don't see how such things could be possible in our advanced society given the laws of science and physics.  By definition, the supernatural is attributed to a God or Deity, goblins, ghosts, objects, beings, places or occurrences that we cannot explain.

Still don't believe in the supernatural?  Think again...
Are you ever in the middle of a task at hand and from the corner of your eyes you think you see a shadow of something walking past you, but when you look up there is no sign of any life that has passed?  Do you believe in the good and the evil, in heaven or hell?  Do you believe in luck, like a horse shoe or a rabbit's foot, or maybe specific routines before performing an act or a sport?  Have you ever wondered whether the horror films based on true stories involving the paranormal, are actually true?  Well, I surely have.  These all have a common theme relating to the supernatural.

Paranormal activity 4, is it really based on true events?

The purpose of my blog will be to shed light on various supernatural topics; from ghosts, to demons, to zombies, to animals' sixth sense for the paranormal.  Here, I will be exploring  my views on those supernatural beliefs, events and stories, leaving it ultimately for you to decide if they're true or not.

To me, the most interesting aspect of the supernatural is the uncertainty that it could be real.  I always find myself thinking, what comes after death.  Will I go to heaven or to hell?  Will I be a lost soul trapped between the afterlife and the tangible world?  I even used to think that I was the reincarnation of my mother's cat "Bonkers" in order to explain why I am able to communicate to cats and get them to obey me -I called myself the king of cats back then. Is it reality?  Obviously, I'm not the reincarnation of a cat-that's silly-, but I do still posses the ability to communicate with my feline friends so easily. Why? I don't know!

Here's a fun fact!  Throughout my post, you will read tons of intriguing stories and events, such as this one:

Vermont witch window
While visiting the state of Vermont in the united States, you will notice that some windows on older homes are slanted.  Surprisingly, it isn't simply the result of horrible contractors who don't know how to install a window.  Instead, they are know as "Witch Windows" believed to prevent  witches from flying straight through on their broomsticks- weird don't you think? Why didn't they angle the front door?



  1. I think you have a very interesting topic here. Although, it may sometimes be a little offensive or scary for some people. I find it fascinating that some everyday events most people would shake off could really be supernatural happenings! Its a little frightening actually but none the less interesting. I think it will be exciting to see you delve into different aspects of the supernatural and educate us on subjects we would possibly never understand or stumble upon ourselves. Great work!

  2. I found your blog really interesting because I always associated the supernatural to ghost stories and such. However, the uncertainty of what comes after death is something that I hadn't ever considered as supernatural. So I thank you for giving me something to dwell on as I reconsider my view of the existence of the supernatural! I also found that the manner in which you wrote your blog very clear and thought provoking, and I enjoyed reading your side story.

  3. Really interesting blog Alex! I myself debate the existence of the supernatural, just like you I wonder if there might be some sort of presence lurking in the dark watching me. It's interesting how the supernatural is portrayed in many cultures and in Hollywood movies (which scared me in to believing a bit). Curious to see what you talk about in the next blogs!

  4. Wow Alex! I’m not going to lie but you really got me thinking when I read this blog. I’ve always been in interested on reading real-life paranormal activities for quite some time. It gets me in this “zone” where I don’t want it to end but I want to know more. I honestly can’t wait to read more of your stories. Keep it up!

  5. I am really going to enjoy reading your blog Alex. Your style of writing is simple, yet meaningful. Yes I have questioned the supernatural, often after movies such as you have. But do I believe in it. I'm not quite sure to be honest. I don't think so. So I will profit from this blog as an "eye-opener", if you will. I'm looking forward to learning more about the unknown because that's what interests all of us. We always want what we cant have, or in this case, what we don't know. Happy writing :p

  6. This post has me thinking if those paranormal activity movies really are based on a true story. We'll never know because a lot of people lie about this stuff, but I am excited to read about what you plan on sharing a bout your beliefs and knowledge on the subject.

  7. Ghosts are real! Sounds a bit crazy but there's to much that's unexplained. I love the paranormal, it's just out of what we can understand and that's awesome. Check out the story of Linconl's ghost, try to disprove it. Great topic, it's SUPERnatural. Bad pun.

  8. I can remember all the times in elementary school when we'd watch a horror movie together and would always be freaked out at the potential that some horrific paranormal being might snatch us in the night. I think Paranormal Activity had a lot to do with that back in the day! I'm really interested in what you have to say about the supernatural! It's always been a great topic in science fiction, maybe it's time to see it's base in science fact.

  9. I am really fascinated by your blog topic! It is really intringung to read some real life stories and to actually think that people have actually experienced certain things like this. I found your stories really cool and cannot wait to read more! I lknow that I always wanted to actually meet someone who has actually gone through events like this. Keep it up!
