Sunday 27 April 2014

I Vannto drink yo blood

Blood thirsty creatures they are, vampires.  All across the world there are many different types of beliefs about how a vampire lives and whether or not they drink blood to live or just as dessert (2).   In the Hollywood movies and TV series we see how these different beliefs vary so drastically.  In the movies Twilight, the vampires don’t like the light because it makes their skin sparkle- pretty cool… just kidding.  Those same vampires have different abilities and can move very quickly.  Other vampires, from the Supernatural TV series, show vampires who have a whole different set of teeth that they use to get the blood from their victims, they also move like humans and are slightly stronger.  Whenever I see an other vampire chick flick, I enjoy the slight differences that directors add to make their vampires stand out and creating more myths.   

The only common belief about vampires is that they crave blood.  Lets look at this scientifically, what happens when one drinks blood?  

Blood is very toxic-it is harmless in your heart for it is what distributes oxygene to the rest of your body, it is also harmless when taken in low doses.  But when one eats or drink blood regularly, they are at risk or iron overdose.  Strange how what you need in order to live, will also kill you. “This condition, called Haemochromatosis, can cause a wide variety of diseases and problems, including liver damage, buildup of fluid in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and nervous disorders” (1).  Our bodies have not developed a mechanism that will allow us to drink or eat blood like many animals do.

The fact that humans haven’t developed this ability makes me feel skeptical about this supernatural belief, for it is virtually impossible.  Although, to many, demons are impossible, for me they are a possibility, they have had reports; whereas vampires are scientifically impossible.

Vlad the Impaler
Some people claim they are real, like Vlad the Impaler, he is also known as Dracula.  He killed many people, to the point where people believed he thrived on them. Ultimately creating the idea of a vampire.  In my eyes the creations of vampires is simply an explanation of their fear for Vlad, their stories then became altered over time and creating todays vision of vampires (3).

Saturday 26 April 2014


We have all seen movies about people being possessed by a supernatural being, like demons or ghost, and claim to be based on a true story.  A great example of this is the Exorcist,  the person is seen with supernatural strength and talks with a voice that doesn't belong to them.  She is possessed by a demon. 

First, what is a possession?  According to the dictionary, a possession is, " Being controlled by or as if by a spirit or other force" (1).  The word possession is often associated with demons or ghost. Now a demon is an angel that has rebelled against God, they live a separate spiritual life that is pictured as dark and lonely.  These dark angels rebel against God, through influencing other angels and having humans sin in order to prevent them to become angelic. Demons therefore possess to cause sin, in spite of God (2).

"According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, signs of demonic possession include superhuman strength, aversion to holy water, and the ability to speak in unknown languages. Other potential signs of demonic possession include spitting, cursing, and "excessive masturbation"" (5).  Does this mean that we are all possessed?  Makes me wonder...

Demons will possess the people who often open the doorway of the dark spiritual world.  These doorways can be by the actions you do, knowing that what you are doing is wrong but continue to do it none the less.  I am sure that makes everyone open to there dark spiritual world... scared?  Other common doorways would be Ouija boards and demon worship (3). The movie, Paranormal Activity, shows how the Ouija board was a gateway to the demonic world.

If a person is possessed by a demon, often it is very hard to gain control over that person again.  That is when people resort to exorcisms, "A ceremony that seeks to expel a demon from a person or a place" (4).  It is performed most of the time by priest who have received special permission from the church (6).  The video below explains what happens during an exorcism.  The priest states that the demons talks in order to get a break from  the beating of the prayer.
I believe in good and evil.  I believe in ghost, because of my loved one. I have therefore a slight belief in the supernatural possessions by demons.  I look at it as, if there is good there must be a moralistic God - and I use the word God lightly because I only believe in the good morals in which he promotes but not in the the fact that he is the almighty creator, as if... but honestly, science is what created us, sorry believers but the facts prove the church wrong many times,  why do you think Galileo was sent to jail? The church was in charge and he had proven that they were wrong on their beliefs.  If I believe in good I then believe in bad, therefore a devil and demons, scientifically, there cannot be one force without an opposite and equal force (Good: Evil).  I believe that these possessions are rare but completely plausible.  There is no real way to prove it, but there must have been instances where such thing has happened in order to create such belief.  I highly doubt that our minds can cause us to speak different languages or in different voices and having a different personality, without having learnt it. What do you think?


Wednesday 23 April 2014

Miracle Locations

Anyone who took a history or English class, knows that at one point the Christian church was the law, ultimately making them one of the most popular religions in the world. Over time other religions have developed and have become fairly popular as well.  What I’m getting at is, that the world is full of blind believers.  I am not trying to bash any religion, but I honestly don’t believe in any of the events that had so called happened, I only believe in their messages.    

We have all heard of freak, supernatural, miracles that have healed people who are about to shake hands with death or have a rare disease.  Many of these freak healings either happen from an explainable but rare scientifical change or by faith.  There are many locations all across the world that have healing powers.  Some followers believe that if they walk across the spiritual grounds, that miracles would happen.  For some lucky people it has happened, yes believe it or not a miracle do happen and priest even verify them.  Miracles have happened in Lourdes in France, Stonehenge and Medjugorje in Yugoslavia and many more.

I have a relative who has actually gone to one of these sites.  They went to Medjugorje in Yugoslavia, not for healing but for spiritual enlightening.  Because they did that, I was interested in these locations. 

According to, Lourdes in France, had energetic healing powers for a very short period of time, of around 140 years.  Apparently, a young fourteen year old girl named Bernadette, in the year of 1858 between February and July, saw the ghost of a lady multiple times.  She was told to build a church at the place where they continue seeing one another, the grotto.  Later on, after many apparitions, the ghost revealed itself as Mary.  On that day, it is said that Bernadette had begun to dig a hole  in the grotto creating a pool that eventually become the sacred spring of Lourdes. A supernatural occurrence made this location holy, causing it to be one of the most common destinations for pilgrims.  These pilgrims will bath in the pools sourcing from the main spring dug by Bernadette (2).  These pools have so called miraculously cured or healed seven thousand individuals but only 67 of them were validated by the church (3).
The church built above the grotto, in Lourdes, France

 One of the many ladies who had been cured was Marie Moreau.  She had received an inflammatory disease of the eyes and had severe vision impairment at the age of 16.  A year later, 1859, her father had gotten water from the grotto and soaked her bandages in it and wrapped them around her eyes.  The next morning, she claimed to have her vision fully restored (3).
Honestly, I don’t believe in such miracles or faith healings.  These supernatural occurrences are so unexplainable and extreme that it doesn’t seem to actually be possible.  I believe that these people who claim to have been healed are extreme religious believers who had medically been healed with a scientifical explanation but because they can’t understand how it happened and the fact that they are strong believers, forces them to claim it as a miracle.  What I am getting at is that these miracles are simply physiological explanations to comfort the believers.

Friday 11 April 2014

What’s for dinner? -Brains do you want some?

The Walking Dead, World War Z, Shawn of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Zombieland, 28 days later and I am Legend, are all movies or tv series that talk about a life during a zombie apocalypse.  Now after reading that, I am sure you all just thought of how cool it would be if there was actually such thing happening, and how you would protect yourself, and what weapon you would use. 

I know this because I thought like that when I was composing this.

Before we continue, we must ask ourselves what is a zombie, and are they possible?

The definition of a zombie is “the body of a dead person given semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force” (   It is believed that zombies are created by a curse or a charm placed by a sorcerer, to cause havoc or to be able to see a loved one who has passed.    Zombies that we all know are known to hunt and kill humans for either their flesh or their brains.  The more we look into zombies, we tend to think of all the possibilities of how such thing could happen.

I am one of those teens that thinks it would in fact be cool to have a zombie apocalypse.  When I look at myself and whatever tools that I have at my disposal, I think that I could easily fend off a few zombies to survive.  I am fit enough to easily run away from them, smart enough to make shelter and start fires.  I can easily defend myself from zombies, but what I recently discovered, when asking around to see what others would do, that people don’t think of the type of zombies that could exist.

There seems to be only two types of zombies.  There is the slow walking zombies who react much like humans that moan lifelessly and attack you when you cross their path.  There is then the genetic modified zombies where their senses are heightened and they are super strong, super-fast and can track you down.  These are both extremely different types of zombies that could easily change the outcome of your plan for a zombie apocalypse. 

In today’s world people are much to smart to believe that voodoo or magic can cause the rise of the dead.  I believe the only way such apocalypse could actually happen is through a biochemical failure to cure a disease and not a supernatural force.  I believe the failure could then make us become blood thirsty, brain eating super humans. Within the movie I am legend, there was a cure that was created to eliminate cancer, but it all went south when the patients became super humans, and only lived on their vital instincts of hunger and survival. They became extremely strong and smart and hunt down their pray in order to survive.

Bath salts zombie
Now some of you must be thinking that this topic is dead to you, because you already know that zombies are not real and could never happen.  Let me tell you a few cases in which you are mistaken and that a zombie apocalypse could be in your near future.  The first case actually happened not too long ago, on May 26, 2012, where a new drug “bath salts” was taken by a man in Miami, Florida, named Rudy Eugene.  This name, had stripped naked and attacked a homeless man under an elevated railway.  Eugene had bit the man’s face and continued to do so until authorities had stopped him.  When the police had arrived, they told him to stop but he continued and reportedly growled at the officers.  The officer had shot the man and then took another 4 shots after he realized the man was still eating.  Strange how a drug did that, maybe there will one day be a drug that will do that to everyone who takes it in the future.  Then there is the case of the real life zombies in Toraja, where witch doctors preform specific rituals to bring back the dead in order to give them a proper burial.  They would have the zombie literally walk to the village in which they were born in order for them to be buried with music, a proper coffin and flowers to insure that the spirit travels safely to the afterlife.
Walking dead of Toraja
Walking dead of Toraja

If those cases don’t make you believe in this supernatural occurrence then I don’t know what will.  I think this has potential to actually happen, what do you think? How would you protect yourself?


Monday 7 April 2014



For those who don’t know, telekinesis is defined as “the movement of a body caused by thought or will power without the application of a physical force” (  Basically you can control things with your mind.

 I have watched many movies like the “X-Men” and “Chronicle”, and have come to the realization that I would love to have telekinesis.  When I think about it more and more, it is the supernatural ability that trumps all others, you can fly like they do in “Chronicle” or turn off your lights when in bed- I hate when I get in that perfect spot, all comfy and warm, then realize I forgot to turn off the lights, I am sure everyone who loves sleep would know what I mean.

The possibilities are endless!!

But is telekinesis real, is it possible for this power to exist.

It is said that telekinesis is created from the use of the untapped parts of our brains.  There is a belief that only 10% of our human brain is being used at one time, whether, its concentrating on your homework, driving or watching tv.  The thing that makes telekinesis hard to believe is the fact that only specific parts of our brains are used for specific activities.  So technically our whole brain is being used.

Brain scan or its activity
 If that is the case, telekinesis must be impossible because every part of our brain is eventually used throughout the day, there is no untapped potential.  Scientist today can prove it through brain scans, showing how every section of our brain is being used. 

Our brains are so complexe that doctors and scientist don’t know how to explain specific things, for example within insane asylums you could see some pretty crazy people.  Many of them are placed there because, what we know so far about our minds, is so little that the people who claim to see the dead or be attacked by something are classified as nuts. Scientist today can’t explain those mental illnesses.

What if?  Just what if, our knowledge on the human brain is so little that the things we see as crazy or unrealistic- like telekinesis- could actually be possible?  I believe it is in fact possible.  Has anyone ever seen what a brain looked like after using 100% of it?  No! We assume, as of now, that we cannot tap into anymore parts then what we have now! Who is to say that the scientist missed something or are simply just not as advanced as they thought.  We do not have a brain that uses 100% of its capacity to compare it to, although we do have people who claim they can control objects with their mind, which gives me enough proof that the human brain has in fact more potential that we must unlock.

There is a new movie coming out in August which talks about a drug that allows you to use one hundred percent of their brain.  I suggest you check it out on Youtube.  It is called Lucy.  It might be farfetched but what do we know, we only use 10%, for all we know that stuff just might be possible!!!