Monday 24 March 2014

Animals and their sixth sense for the supernatural

Animals are known to have extremely sharp senses in order to survive and feed.  Cats and dogs are some common domestic examples.  Cats can hear sound at 100,000 hertz – measured in hertz, the number of vibrations per second- while dogs can hear at a range from 35-40,000 hertz.  Now when we compare those facts with the hearing of a human, there is a big difference, we can only hear up to 20,000 hertz.  Cats also have whiskers on their back and front legs allowing them to have a better sense of their surroundings, while we humans have only our eyes to give us that information.  Now a very interesting fact is their eyesight, cats have superior vision, with a 200 degree panoramic view with the capability of reflecting light from its eyes, allowing it to see at night. Dogs are much like the cats, but they can see with a 240 degree view, and humans only have a 180 degree view.
You might be asking “Why is this fool talking about cats and dogs again?”  Well it’s believed that animals have a sixth sense to see the paranormal.  I just explained facts about how common domestic animals might be able to see the dead.  Is it really those senses that allow them to see the dead, or is it a sixth sense that no one can explain?  I believe it’s in fact a sixth sense!  These animals really have no concrete senses that would be able to explain how they are able to interact with the afterlife or the supernatural.  They don’t have any inferred vision or electromagnetic sensitive whiskers, which many ghost hunters use to find the supernatural.
A women named Del Johnson, had passed away leaving seven dogs and six cats.  Many people believe that she still visits them, their evidence is strange.  They say that they would see all the pets gather in one area while wagging their tails, purring, and circling as if there was the presence of their owner.  Is this simply their great hearing and eyesight that allows them to believe something is there?  
Here is a cat Oscar who can sense the supernatural… he knows when death is near.  Is it simply acute senses or is it his sixth sense?


I’m sure we have all heard ghost stories at sleepovers or around campfires.  I’ve heard a story about my friend’s mom’s sister; she had recently bought a new house –older than many- and she and her husband went to work.  Apparently, she started a load of laundry, let the dog out and left her bed messy. When she came home later in the day, she discovered that the dog was brought back inside, the laundry was folded and the bed was made. She called her husband to see if he came home on his lunch break, he said he never left. There is no other explanation to this phenomenon, it must have been a ghost –a darn good ghost that cleans the house for you. I want one!  I was told that when the ghost is upset or mad, it would lock the family inside a room or mess up the bed and move objects. Is this story real?  Is it a ghost? Call me crazy but I like to think it is real.
ghostly figure
 Ghost is defined as “the soul of a dead person, a disembodied spirit imagined, usually as a vague, shadowy or evanescent form, as wandering among or haunting living person.” No one knows 100% what happens when one dies, however we have reason to believe they become ghosts.   I believe ghost are real, because I see dead people… just kidding, but I do know two people who can.  Ghosts are real in my point of view because when one spirit passes I believe it is attached to something or a person just like us when our loved ones die, we have difficulties letting go of them and continuing on with our lives.  I also believe they lash out, showing their presence, because they struggle in communicating with the real world. I also believe in ghosts because I would like to think that my grandfather, who passed away, is actually looking over me but in a slightly different world. 

Many believe that there is an array of different types of ghosts; including intelligent ghosts, the rarest type of haunting, a spirit that communicates in an intelligent way almost as if it were a person.  They are not all evil or violent, they are believed to take the characteristics of the person they once were-if they lived happily and nice they will be nice intelligent ghost.  So now you know why we are taught to be nice to everyone, we don’t want angry ghosts trying to communicate with us.  Most often they do not know they are dead –the movie The Sixth Sense, is a perfect example of this phenomenon.  There are also the residual ghosts, these ghosts are believed to be loops of a spirits traumatic experience, this loop -like in a movie or a broken record -are played over and over again without interacting with anyone or anything.  One last common ghost is the poltergeist.  These ghost are known as the noisy ghosts, blamed for the destructive and violent activity, they cause strange knockings and tapping noises, moving furniture, slamming doors, starting fires, turning lights off and on and so much more.
The intelligent, residual and the poltergeist ghosts are all somehow attached to an event, an object or person and try to communicate. Not all of them are violent or dangerous. Maybe if you’re lucky enough you will be able to one day encounter a ghost.


Monday 17 March 2014

Do you believe in the supernatural

When you hear the word supernatural, you tend to think that it is linked to the devil, demons, and ghosts.  Most often this is the reason we tend not to believe in the supernatural; we don't see how such things could be possible in our advanced society given the laws of science and physics.  By definition, the supernatural is attributed to a God or Deity, goblins, ghosts, objects, beings, places or occurrences that we cannot explain.

Still don't believe in the supernatural?  Think again...
Are you ever in the middle of a task at hand and from the corner of your eyes you think you see a shadow of something walking past you, but when you look up there is no sign of any life that has passed?  Do you believe in the good and the evil, in heaven or hell?  Do you believe in luck, like a horse shoe or a rabbit's foot, or maybe specific routines before performing an act or a sport?  Have you ever wondered whether the horror films based on true stories involving the paranormal, are actually true?  Well, I surely have.  These all have a common theme relating to the supernatural.

Paranormal activity 4, is it really based on true events?

The purpose of my blog will be to shed light on various supernatural topics; from ghosts, to demons, to zombies, to animals' sixth sense for the paranormal.  Here, I will be exploring  my views on those supernatural beliefs, events and stories, leaving it ultimately for you to decide if they're true or not.

To me, the most interesting aspect of the supernatural is the uncertainty that it could be real.  I always find myself thinking, what comes after death.  Will I go to heaven or to hell?  Will I be a lost soul trapped between the afterlife and the tangible world?  I even used to think that I was the reincarnation of my mother's cat "Bonkers" in order to explain why I am able to communicate to cats and get them to obey me -I called myself the king of cats back then. Is it reality?  Obviously, I'm not the reincarnation of a cat-that's silly-, but I do still posses the ability to communicate with my feline friends so easily. Why? I don't know!

Here's a fun fact!  Throughout my post, you will read tons of intriguing stories and events, such as this one:

Vermont witch window
While visiting the state of Vermont in the united States, you will notice that some windows on older homes are slanted.  Surprisingly, it isn't simply the result of horrible contractors who don't know how to install a window.  Instead, they are know as "Witch Windows" believed to prevent  witches from flying straight through on their broomsticks- weird don't you think? Why didn't they angle the front door?
